On My Experience as a Van Lifer
Van Life is a nomadic and minimalist lifestyle that has garnered increasing interest in recent years. It’s no wonder why; we are easily swept up by the romantic idea of a life of travel, roaming from place to place. It’s the American dream, or at least one version. As the movement has gained remarkable and exponential media attention from the public eye, more and more people are drawn to living life off the grid and on the road. For me the intrigue increased until it was irresistible. I spent the larger part of 2018 living in a converted camper van with my partner. Here’s how it all happened:
Following my graduation from undergraduate college, my liberal studies degree dangled limply in the rearview mirror. Jumping into the job market feel like a sure way to suck my soul dry of youth’s sustaining vibrancy — its sense of possibility. My hippie-gypsy heart was full of indecision and ambiguity surrounding my capital ‘F’ Future. If life is a rat race, I’m committed to eating my way out of the box. The sense of wanderlust was a natural reaction to my resistance to being trapped beneath a glass ceiling.
It all began one day while hiking with my fiance. We were discussing our plans to move in together and groaning about how unaffordable housing is in Southern California. Half-jokingly (and somewhat half-seriously) I suggested that we just buy a camper van and be done with the whole debacle…